Hipster Haus, a new reality T.V. show about the "hipster" lifestyle, is currently seeking cool and attractive individuals of discerning taste, ages 21-28, for filming beginning in January 2012. The selected cast of six men and six women will live rent-free in a fully furnished Williamsburg loft and receive complimentary food and drink for the duration of shooting, as well as guaranteed paid entry to exclusive underground clubs, concerts, and cultural events.
Send a link to your YouTube video (no more than five minutes) explaining why you are a "hipster." Show us your friends, your apartment, your music collection, your wardrobe, your job, whatever makes you hip. We're looking for genuine indie cred and cult classic star quality.
- Location: Brooklyn
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
- Compensation: Rent-free board, complimentary food and drink, entertainment